Monday, December 28, 2009


I started this quite a while ago, on a day when it was- you guessed it- frosty. At the time it was completely true, but I was busy and didn't finish it. I worry that the end, therefore, isn't as nice as the beginning, but that's up to you to judge

It never snows around these parts
Though we pray for it from our hearts
But it'd be easy to get lost
Within these forests full of frost

It's far too cold and far too bleak
For people to come out this week
So I alone may sit and swing
Free to do nearly anything

What a big deal a child makes
Of sugar coated frosted flakes
But frost alone, or flakes of snow
And no one dares outside to go

I love it, all pristine and clear
They're all afraid to come out here
But should they all choose to come out
Their noise and crowds would make me pout

Just sitting here is such a thrill
The world stays absolutely still
Because the frost has glued it all
How powerful, and yet how small

So many fear the solitude
But it brings me a perfect mood
Some joy and peace and almost pride
For finding what is just outside

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