I'm not sure if I like this one or not.
Please distinguish between the author and the narrator.
Hurts Like Hell
Hurt like hell.
You run and you run to be
And they tell you
Pain is weakness leaving the body
A run without pain is just a jog
So you run
Day after day after day
And when you've run much too long, you say
This hurts like hell
And some wise guy tells you that maybe
You've been running too much
That this is an overuse injury
And you need to stop running.
This you obviously ignore.
Stupid doctor.
Run. Ice. Run. Ice.
Until you spend more time icing than running
And do not dare to ask yourself
Is this working?
Because you've known the answer all along
So you just keep running
With each step you feel your heels pounding on the ground
Creating thousands of tiny
—What do you call them?—
Your bone slowly splintering apart
Your muscles losing their grip
As your feet keep pounding
Slamming on the unforgiving concrete
Hurts like hell.
You try and you try to be
More feminine
And they tell you
Get quick summer abs!
Shed weight fast with pilates!
But these do not seem to work
So you diet
Eating less and less and less
And as you watch others eat, you think
This hurts like hell
And some wise guy tells you
That you are not eating enough
That you have lost five pounds since your last visit
And you think to yourself
Only five pounds?
And as you pass tables of Seventeen and Elle Magazine on the way out
You remember why you ignored him the first time.
So you stay hungry
And yes, it's working
But it hurts like hell
And with every model on a perfume ad
Or each time you enter a locker room
Your stomach growls
And you try to work out, to run it all off
But runners eat
So you stop running and stop eating
You see images over and over and over
Pounding, pounding the idea into your head
A million microfractures in your self image
And when you sit down, exhausted after a five minute jog
You think to yourself
I'd rather have shinsplints.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
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1 comment:
This is beautiful. (:
I like reading it aloud.
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