Saturday, October 1, 2011

Not a poem

This shouldn't be a poem and it doesn't have a title, but I don't use the prose blog anymore and it needed to be said.

I'm not sure how to tell you
I don't mind.
I don't know how to say
"Please shut up and like yourself."

Those pants do not make you look fat
That grade does not constitute failure
That school has a 7% acceptance rate
He wasn't trying to be rude
No, I don't hate you
Yes, I know you are not fishing for compliments
You are legitimately this insecure.

It doesn't bother me that you didn't go to the gym
Neither did I.
You do not need to make me feel good about myself.
I can do that for myself
Just because I'm quiet doesn't make me insecure
Usually, it's the loud ones.

I am not judging you for
That tattoo
The boy you dated in tenth grade
Your accent
The size of your waist
How you act around your parents
Your thriftstore jeans
The way you sing
Who you slept with last night
How you treated me that one day
I am not judging you
You need to stop judging yourself

Good heavens, don't apologize to me
I don't need your apology and you don't need my forgiveness
I don't need your insecurity
Neither do you.

Please stand up straight when you approach me
Don't mope. I can't stand dogs.
I don't care if you've needed to tell me this for a long time
Stop stop stop.
I wasn't judging you until you showed me you're afraid of being judged.

I'm not sure how to tell you
I don't mind.
I don't know how to say
"Stop whining and just be loved."

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