Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Afraid

This poem is exactly what its title implies
It doesn't resolve itself very well- I've always been bad at conclusions- but it's kind of the conclusion I came to when having a conversation with a friend about my fears a week or so ago.

Not Afraid
I shake when I'm in front of them
It's not that I'm afraid- I think
I simply always start to shake
When I'm on stage to talk or sing

I'm not afraid of very much
Except for needles and deep sea
There must be something frightening, though,
About those folks in front of me

Most of them aren't there to judge
And not like I'd mind anyway
Since I'm so cool and confident
It doesn't matter what they say

But something in me disagrees
Should I trust it? Well of course not!
For it's the heart that says to go
And just the head that says to stop

But what if I am all mixed up
And it's the heart that tells me no?
Perhaps I really am afraid
To let myself fully let go

What of it then? Why should I care
What other people think and feel?
They can't stop me from singing out
It's how I view myself that's real

My head tells me it's frivolous
To care if they should disapprove
But maybe within all our hearts
Each of us is afraid to lose

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