Saturday, November 28, 2009


Sorry for not writing
Of course once I said I would write a poem a day and really committed to it, I became way too busy to do so. However, I started a poem each day because each day I told myself I'd catch up. I just... never finished them
I'm finishing these between posts, so they'll be a little out of order. Sorry about that :P

So this is Wednesday's poem. Quite a few of my teachers gave good sized tests or projects this past week because it gives them all of Thanksgiving break to grade them, which is part of the reason I didn't finish the poems on time. Of course I didn't have school yesterday (Thursday...Thanksgiving) but I had a calculus test in my last class on Wednesday and spent half an hour trying to figure out how to solve a problem one way, only to reread the instructions and find that I was supposed to solve it a different way. After that, I just couldn't focus and the rest of the problems seemed completely unmanageable (though when I thought about them that evening, i could figure out the answers to at least three of them easily). Between a couple social stresses and tensions built up from the week, I didn't know what to do with myself. I looked for friends and finally found one of my closest friends in the government classroom—they were going to watch a historical movie half an hour after school ended. I hugged her and just started crying uncontrollably. Why? I wasn't really sure... and because of the movie there were quite a few other kids in the room who just kind of... didn't know what to do. I don't cry that often and I definitely don't like crying in front of people, but sometimes it's healthy just to let things go. I had a voice lesson afterwards, and discovered how much easier it is to sing when you can really let things go. Walking home, I thought of the first few lines to this one

What matters is just the release
The others will fit in somehow
But find something that gives you peace
And find something you can do now

Don't look for the easy way out
So you can avoid facing fears
For trying is what life's about
But find a place to dry your tears

A hobby that's freeing and fun
And doesn't require a thing
In springtime I'll go for a run
These days I stay indoors and sing

Find someone who'll listen to you
Who never will judge or complain
And someone you can listen to
So you can keep each other sane

Go look for a place of your own
A bench or a park or a tree
The rest will just have to condone
Your need to let yourself be free

What matters is just the release
A hobby, a place, and a friend
So that you can always find peace
No matter from what or til when

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