Monday, December 7, 2009

Sentando, Mirando

Sorry for not writing... a lot...
It's been a busy weekend and I've had a ton to do this week, but the week was stressful and the weekend was quite the opposite. My friend had a birthday party today, and we went into Seattle and gave people free hugs. You have no idea how much a hug can do for someone until you go around giving them out for free, especially in a city as open as Seattle. I really enjoyed it, and it was a great experience as friends as well as a chance to make people's days. In any case, I was at a busy mall before my friends arrived, and I sat for an hour and just people-watched and thought about... whatever... because I could, because I had an hour. I wrote this little poem in the meantime and started another but didn't finish so perhaps I'll post it tomorrow
Unfortunately, this too is in spanish and will therefore be a bit difficult to read for those of you who... well... don't speak it :P

Sentando, Mirando
En esta silla—sentando, sentando
Yo veo la gente—mirando, mirando
A veces riendo, yo llevo sonrisa
Quzás esperando alguna sorpresa
Tengo una hora sin gente a ver,
Lugares a ir, ni cosas hacer
Pero estoy feliz mientras yo me siento
Y estoy segura del frio y viento

1 comment:

Charles said...

I understood the first line!